Online Update
Our online update service is available to all our clients in the convenient and user friendly style we are known for. It is an automatic background download of recently added songs. Songs are automatically added to existing playlists of the same style and an automatic update of the Music Engine Software is included – simple viewing of the new songs.
If you wish to use our online update service, please note the following requirements:
- Last update 144 or higher (for existing clients)
- Working internet connection (LAN cable)
- At least 5GB of free downloads (roughly the amount of data for a monthly update, to avoid additional costs by internet provider)
- Access data for our online update service (this data will be generated by us and sent to you by post after your purchase)
Online Update set up service for existing customers:
We advise you to take advantage of our set up service for a lump sum of 100 EUR (journey, set up service, introduction to the system, excl. hardware). This way you can use the online update service without complications for years to come.

Need new music?
As a client of Music Engine, you never have to worry about the latest hits, illegal downloads or your customers’ unfulfillable song requests. Since introducing our products to the European market, we have been creating the most extensive updates for our clients, with the highest quality.
Our music department works every day to bring you the latest hits from around the world, old classics and rare recordings in a simple, neat update. Every song is fine-tuned by hand, normalised, thoroughly labelled and automatically filed into the right genre and playlist.
Therefore, you have an organised, clean database that is 100% legal, offering maximum security for you and your customers.

Don’t just search: find!
Thanks to our music department and their constant involvement in the music industry, we recognise and add them to the Music Engine archive trends and hits before they take the charts by storm. If it should happen that one of your customers asks for a song that is not in the music library, contact our Music Engine update customer service.
Dies bedeutet, dass Sie als Music Engine und Update Kunde, jederzeit die Möglichkeit haben uns Ihre Musikwünsche mitzuteilen. Diese werden beim nächsten Update garantiert berücksichtigt. Senden Sie uns Ihren song requests via online form or contact our music editors directly.
Updates – only when necessary
No one likes subsequent costs – that’s why, when you buy a Music Engine, there is no obligation to sign an update contract. If you so wish, you can choose from a few update variations.